
I've Got the Whole World in my Hands



Exorcizing the Ghost of You

You moved out of town months ago and took my friend's heart with you. It didn't belong to you and your act of theft put him on suicide watch. I've heard the tales of your victims, but I was really hoping he wouldn't be one of them. When I found out I wanted to take the next ticket to your new squanderings and do to your neck what he almost did to his wrist. Instead, I marred this town's perception of you and let you know about it. I later found out that you have a rare mental illness induced by Lyme Disease. It eats away at your brain's perception and convolutes your daily life. I don't feel bad about all of the words I called you to your face and behind your back, you Korean bitch. You deserve to burn in hell for what you did, especially because he won't speak to me anymore.

"Goodnight princess, Paul"

(For Kim Jae-Il)

I've Been Eating for You

Instead of writing a sweet poem or dedicating a song, I've been listening lately. Listening to you complain about how large you are and how heavy you've been getting. I've been putting on the pounds too, just for you. When I get to your weight, if you ever tell me what it is, we can shed the skin together.

"You're fat headed more than anything, but I still like you."

(For Brooklyn)
Things I've Done for You © 2008. Design by Pocket